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Say hello to Becoming All with a facelift – ayeeeee! In Barbados we’d say its “new brand” which translates to : “it’s so new, it just came right from the store.” When I started planning for the revamp it was during spring. A season that always brings a sense of internal newness to me. The thought of once withered plants breathing new life again and blossoming gives me life. Plus, there are butterflies fluttering around. Butterflies are my little sign that there’s newness on the horizon.

A few months ago while I was in recovering from my accident, I seriously considered shutting this space down. It was a mental battle of whys and what ifs. Why should I keep the blog when there are so many other well seasoned bloggers? Many of who I follow. What if I close this chapter, will I be able to live with myself after giving up on my dream? I battled and battled for a few weeks but consciously decided, along with some prodding to keep this forum going because I know that this space is bigger than me. I wanted to give the space a new look, add some other categories. You know, just like spring cleaning. You get rid of the old and worn and bring in the new – or something like that lol.

As a young woman in her mid 20’s there are so many things vying for my attention, time and mental space. I am sure these are feelings that many of you go through as well. It’s almost as if we are in a constant zone of figuring things out. But when I write, it gives me a safe haven of peace. The only noise I hear is my fingers typing my thoughts out in hopes that a sister somewhere finds hope and peace to keep on going.

As a wife in her mid 20’s I’ve seen and experienced some life scarring things that has challenged my faith in ways I never imagined possible. Yet, here I am and here we are – still standing. Because there is a God and He is GOOD! I’ve chosen this path because I believe my voice has a place in this space. One of my virtual mentors Dayna Bolden once told me to go after my dreams with EVERYTHING I’ve got.

I remember crying rivers that day because not only was my all-time favorite blogger dropping personal gems (she’s always dropping gems), but she was speaking to my soul. She poured life into a lil lady from the “islands” where blogging as a career is a myth. But this is my little note to tell someone, nothing you dream of is impossible. With a some work and prayer you can step towards the future you imagined.

I was the withered flower going through what seemed like a never-ending harsh winter and Dayna, the fresh air and rain I so desperately needed. And since that day, challenges included, I’ve thought of ways to improve this space to make it better for all of you who take time to stop by and / or drag me in my DMs to ask when next I’d be posting content – I love and appreciate all of you and I don’t take for granted that you choose to spend your time visiting this space. Thank you for the occasional call out, lol.

If that wasn’t enough drag, something came back to me while I was thinking through what to do. Another one of my very close friends and someone who has significantly contributed to the space you see now ( and the space that is to come) and who I hold in high regard said something to me almost 4 years ago that I kept hearing repeated in my mind. My friend told me a few things but the lines ringing in my head

Don’t be afraid to be amazing

Don’t be afraid to be amazing! Yo! I was digging up our house looking for something else and stumbled upon where those words were written – hint #1. I searched my chat history in true private investigator style. Typing key words in the search bar in order to gather the context by brain wasn’t permitting me to recall verbatim at the time. I found the context and would you believe it was regarding me leaping into the world of blogging? Let me just say – Becoming All did not exist 4 years ago and I was already giving up on myself because of whatever reason.

So again, another year, this is my gift to you. Well, to both of us really. Another leap of faith for me and hopefully a place where you can swing by and find tools to Equip, Encourage and Inspire you.  There’s a brand new look, a few new categories coming and an ever growing me with my real life nuggets.

Thank you for visiting my space, and for those I’m yet to meet, I look forward to our paths crossing before our journey here are  on earth is over. As always and probably forever will be, I can’t wait to see the best come out of you!

Don’t be afraid to be amazing!

Shaquille xo

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